Providence Day School
CHARLOTTE, NC -- This past month I worked with Providence Day School in Charlotte, North Carolina training their technology specialists on Google Apps for Education (GAE).
Providence Day jumped into GAE just this past school year and wanted to retool and explore all the possibilities of a school "Gone Google." We carved out several days to train-the-trainers on the ins and outs of Google Apps so they could then understand fully what they had to offer their staff, students, and administration. Secondly, we had a full day of planning and discussing integration and practical uses for Google Apps at their school so that they could develop a more thorough implementation of Google Apps at Providence Day for the upcoming school year and beyond. Providence Day has top notch facilities using both PC and Macs with students and faculty. I expect to see some great things from them as they fully use Google Apps (Mail, Calendar, Groups, Sites, and Docs) with their administration, faculty, students and parents this year.