East Cooper Montessori Charter School Goes to the Cloud, Google Apps

MOUNT PLEASANT, SC -- East Cooper Montessori School (ECMCS) has been considering Google Apps for over a year.  As a charter school, the typical district resources are not available, as well as the funds a private school may have to staff a technology integration specialist and an IT director.  The faculty at ECMCS needed a cloud-based office suite to be able to create, share and collaborate within the school and with the greater community.  We provided Google Apps professional development specifically with the idea of training a small group of faculty in different administrative roles for their Google Apps domain.  We also made sure the entire faculty was presented ways to integrate and utilize the beginning stages of their new productivity tools.  A primary focus for ECMCS was to ensure users were well trained on email and calendars so that they could share internally.  The advantage of Google Apps for Education makes a huge difference when every dime counts and your are paying for storage space of emails.

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